Proposals for commercial space at Stanton Park
This website details the proposals and invites you to share your feedback with us. We will be updating the website to include further detail through the pre-application consultation process and following submission. Click here to share your feedback and register to receive notifications when the website is updated. We ask that all comments are shared by 22nd May 2024. Following this, we will consider the feedback received as we finalise our outline planning application.
The site
The application site comprises three fields to the north east of junction 17 of the M4 motorway. The field are south of Scotland Hill, where access will be achieved following a proposed highways improvement scheme.
The proposals

The parameters plan showing the site, the maximum extent of the development plot, proposed vehicular access and the areas for landscaping. This would be the level of detail agreed through the outline planning application.
Illustrative plans
We are preparing an outline planning application to agree matters including vehicular access and the parameters, or maximum extent, of the development. Future detailed, or ‘reserved matters’, planning applications would then need to be developed to agree details such as the appearance of the development, internal site road layout, specific heights, scale and building layout. Whilst we therefore do not yet have the details of what the development would look like, we have included illustrative plans and imagery below to provide an idea of how the development could come forward and what it might look like.
Illustrative layout to show how a potential 2 unit development could come forward – the number of units would be established and agreed through future reserved matters planning application(s)
Highways layout to show indicative internal road layout should a 2 unit development come forward – this initial outline planning application would only agree the vehicular access into the site, with the detail of internal road layout to be agreed through future reserved matters planning application(s)
Illustrative montages to provide an example of how the development could look from a distance, with indicative views of cladding to further mitigate views – specific details of material types and cladding would be agreed through future reserved matters planning application(s)
Economic benefits
The plans would deliver significant local and regional economic benefits, creating up to 1,040 full-time jobs on-site, alongside an additional 350 jobs in the supply chain when the site has been developed and is operational. The predicted £24.1 million of wages generated each year for Wiltshire residents will support the local economy through increased spending power in local shops and services.
A range of managerial, professional, skilled trades and administrative jobs will be created, providing a variety of employment opportunities.
Wider economic benefits include an estimated GVA contribution of up to £72.4 million within the regional economy each year and the annual generation of approximately £1.9 million business rates revenue.
Highways, access and parking
The proposed development would be supported by highways mitigation works which are outlined below. In order to carry out these works, some sections of hedgerow and trees would need to be removed. The details of this are currently being assessed and further indicative information will be available in the outline planning application.
The proposed development would be supported by the following highways mitigation works:
- Upgrading the A429 / Scotland Hill Junction (including two ahead lanes in both directions on the A429 and restricting vehicles turning right from the A429 south, towards Stanton St Quinton
- Widening the A429 (n) exit from Junction 17 to two lanes.
The indicative masterplan suggests 320 car parking spaces and approximately 40 HGV spaces would be provided on site, which follows Wiltshire Council standards. New bus stops along the A429 will also be provided in proximity to the site to support public transport connectivity and active travel to and from the site.
Landscaping, ecology and biodiversity
The illustrative plans are being carefully considered to retain existing hedgerows and trees where possible alongside new planting to provide natural visual filters into and from the site, together with suitable building heights and design that will complement the nearby St. Modwen schemes to ensure the plans are well-suited to the area. Some sections of existing hedgerows and trees will need to be removed in order to carry out highways mitigation works. The details of this are being assessed and further information will be shared on the project website when this is available.
The proposals are being progressed with the ambition to achieve operational net zero carbon together with achieving a biodiversity net gain.
Stoford is one of the UK’s leading property specialists with an extensive track record of delivering in the logistics and employment market, including industrial logistics spaces at Central Park, Avonmouth and at Worcester 6, Junction 6 of the M5.
As part of the business commitment to sustainability, Stoford has pledged to reduce its carbon emissions every year and has a goal to achieve Net Zero Carbon in Use. This approach is based firmly on the grounds of delivering buildings of intrinsic low energy demands, then delivering them in the most efficient manner possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
Planning and consultation
Q: What type of planning application will be submitted?
A: Stoford are preparing an outline planning application with all matters reserved for future approval except access. If approved by Wiltshire Council, this application would agree the principle of the development, and allow for detailed specification of the units to be agreed in due course, once prospective occupiers are known, or in line with the latest market trends. Details for the development would need to be agreed by subsequent reserved matters planning application(s).
Q: Is the site allocated for development?
A: The emerging Wiltshire Local Plan includes Draft Policy 64 which recognises the identified national and regional logistics demand and supports Junction 17 as a suitable location for accommodating this.
Q: How many units are proposed and what would the layout of the site be?
A: As this is an outline planning application, permission is being sought for the principle of providing commercial logistics space on this site. At this stage, we are therefore agreeing the parameters for development on the site, including the maximum floor area. The detailed design and layout of the scheme would be agreed at a subsequent reserved matters application, should outline approval be granted.
Q: What will you do with the feedback received during the consultation?
A: All feedback received will be considered by the project team before the plans are finalised and a planning application is submitted to Wiltshire Council for its consideration.
The site
Q: How well-connected is the site?
A: The site is immediately to the north of Junction 17 of the M4, with key connections from Bristol (to the west) towards Swindon, the Thames Valley and London to the east. The site is also strategically placed on the Major Road Network located along the A429 connecting southwards to the A350 which provides a key route south through Wiltshire towards Poole and the south coast.
Q: What is the site context?
A: The site currently has agricultural uses and is situated within the vicinity of St Modwen Park Chippenham (also known as Chippenham Gateway) located to the south of Junction 17 and other commercial and industrial development close to the motorway (including a recycling centre and Chippenham Pit Stop).
Q: How large is the site?
A: The site is approximately 10.7 ha, and the Development Plot is a total of approximately 8.49 ha.
Q: What will the design of the buildings look like, and how tall will the buildings be?
A: The detailed design and layout of the scheme would be agreed through subsequent reserved matters planning application(s), subject to outline approval. The outline planning application will specify maximum building heights, with a limit of 18m currently proposed to restrict building heights to complement the nearby St. Modwen schemes to ensure the plans are well-suited to the area.
Individual building heights and specifications will be agreed at the reserved matters stage of the planning process, which would comply with any maximum height set by an outline permission.
Q: How will the scheme be sustainable?
A: A BREEAM Version 6, Excellent target is being sought, along with targeting achieving operational net zero carbon ensuring a high standard of sustainability for the proposed buildings.
Q: What is the flood risk of the site and how is the flood risk being managed?
A: The site is in flood zone 1, which is the lowest area of risk. A full sustainable drainage system and flow rate attenuation system will be delivered to prevent off-site flood risk, including new attenuation ponds, providing natural infrastructure to manage water drainage and run off.
Next steps and construction
Q: What are the timescales of this?
A: Following the public consultation and pre-application consultation with Wiltshire Council Officers, Stoford will finalise and submit an outline planning application to Wiltshire Council for its consideration. The details of the development would then need to be agreed through subsequent reserved matters planning application(s) and is it therefore difficult to provide clear timescales for construction and operation at this stage.
Q: How many jobs would be created during the construction phase?
A: This development would have the potential to support approximately 165 full-time equivalent (FTE) temporary jobs annually over an estimated 2-year construction period, of which it is estimated that 115 FTE jobs per annum could be sourced from the South West regional labour force, including 95 FTE jobs per annum locally within Wiltshire. A further annual average of 55 FTE temporary jobs would be supported within the supply chain.
Q: How will construction vehicles be managed?
A: A construction management plan would be agreed with the Council, subject to reserved matters planning permission, which would manage matters such as construction vehicle movement and construction hours.
You can still contact us via email at or phone our consultation number 0808 1688 296.